Rift valley: definition and geologic significance
The Ethiopian Rift Valley: geography and morphology
The Ethiopian Rift Valley: volcanism and seismicity
The Ethiopian Rift Valley: geologic evolution
the cradle of mankind
Virtual Tours and places to see
Clip Galleries
versione italiana
Ethiopia JAN 2013
taking photo of the hara sheitan lake
at the hara sheitan lake
taking photos of small scoria cones
hiking on a scoria cone
on the shores of lake abaya
aking photos of the bridge of god, from lake abaya
lake chamo
zebras in the nechsar plains
photos in the nechsar plains
looking for mantle xenoliths, south of arba minch
tsegaye with people of the mele tribe, close to weyto
waterfall close to bedessa, east of soddo
group photo at the bedessa waterfall
damot volcano from the centre of the hobitcha caldera
lunch in the bilate plain
on top of the guraghe escarpment
guraghe boy
on top of the guraghe mountains
guraghe girl, on top of the guraghe mountains
For more information please contact:
Giacomo Corti
, National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources
Via G. La Pira, 4, 50121 Firenze, Italia - Email:
[email protected]
| Telephone: +390552757524